What I Offer
At Libby Bamford Neurophysiotherapy, I offer individualized treatment on a 1:1 basis at our rooms or in your home.
My treatment approach is based on recent advances in our understanding of neurophysiology and neuroscience. We now know that the nervous and neuromuscular system is always changing and adapting—a capacity called neuroplasticity.
This is a wonderful feature of our nervous system, and as therapists we want to make use of neuroplasticity to re-educate the nervous system to your advantage.
In the cases of a sudden event, like a stroke or traumatic brain injury, or in cases of neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, we work to rebuild activity and ensure the nervous system is laying down useful neural networks that will help make moving easier—and to prevent you from establishing ways of moving that are unhelpful to you in the long-term.
In my approach, I aim to teach your nervous system how to produce more efficient movement in order to make things easier and improve your quality of life. This is not a band-aid solution, meaning that treatment often involves more prolonged work together, but the long-term recovery of function is more
profound and enduring.